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New Richmond
Fire & EMS
Clermont County Ohio
"Doing Our Best In The Worst Of Times"

Quint 36
1998 E-One Cyclone II Quint This quintuple fire apparatus replaced three older apparatus upon its purchase in 1998 at a cost just under $400,000. It is equipped with a 75’ aluminum aerial ladder, 1500 GPM Hale fire pump, 550-gallon booster tank, class “A” foam, and an NFPA-compliment of ground ladders and truck company equipment. It also has a complete set of hydraulic rescue tools and rope rescue gear. It is a versatile unit, capable transporting as many as six personnel to multiple types of incidents. It is first due at structure fires, fire alarms, and rapid intervention team assignments, and regularly responds to neighboring communities on automatic mutual aid (AMA) assignments.

Engine 36
1993 E-One Cyclone Engine With seating for six, this 1993 E-One pumper is first to arrive at most field, dumpster and vehicle fires. It has a 1250 GPM Hale fire pump, 1000 gallon booster tank, class “A” foam, and four bottle, high-pressure breathing air cascade system.

Rescue 36
2008 International/Rosenbauer America Rescue Engine As the newest apparatus in the fleet, this 2008 Rosenbauer America rescue/engine combination was purchased to replace a 1985 pumper that didn’t meet modern fire apparatus safety standards and was difficult to operate. A Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) provided $ 125,000 of the purchase price of $200,658 from the Board of Clermont County Commissioners. It seats five firefighters and is equipped with a 1250 GPM Hale fire pump, 1000 gallon booster tank, and class “A” foam capability. It also carries a complete set of hydraulic rescue tools from a Department of Homeland Security CEDAP equipment grant in 2006. Air-powered, heavy lifting bags and other equipment and supplies needed for successful rescue scene operations are also aboard the apparatus. It is first due to motor vehicle accidents and hazardous material emergencies.

Support 37 Air Trailer
2009 Haulmark Trailer equipped with a complete Bauer breathing air production system designed for rapid refilling of large numbers of firefighter' self-contained breathing apparatus. It was purchased by the Board of Clermont County Commissioners with a homeland security grant and assigned to NRFEMS to maintain and operate. The unit is one of many components in the homeland security equipment cache used to protect the Greater Cincinnati region. It also serves the department's own needs as it replaced an outdated breathing air compressor previously used by NRFEMS.

Brush 36
1983 Jeep Used for occasional field and brush firefighting responses, the Jeep provides a lightweight means to carry water to off-road fires. It has a 50-gallon booster tank and 4-cycle, portable water pump capable of supplying 5/8” hoses.

Boat 36
1998 Carolina Skiff Rescue Boat The 1997 Ohio River flood clearly proved the department needed a dependable, modern rescue boat. Regardless of whether the Ohio is confined to its banks or flowing through village streets, this Carolina Skiff fiberglass boat answers the call to duty. It is powered by a 135 HP outboard motor and is speedy but stable on the Ohio’s wake. It provides an excellent work platform for rescue, search and recovery, or Firefighting operations. A portable water pump from Engine 36 can be easily loaded aboard and utilized quickly when firefighting capability is needed. Hoses, nozzles and fittings are readily available on the boat
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