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ASHI & AHA CPR, First Aid and AED 


In order to better serve our community, New Richmond Fire and EMS is offering to the general public CPR, AED, and First Aid  courses that are authorized by ASHI.


The early initiation of quality CPR has proven to increase the survival rate of patients who suffer a cardiac arrest. Combining community CPR with early defibrillation and advanced life support has proven to save lives.


The Health Care Provider course (Professional), is approximately 4 hours, and the Heart Saver course (General Public), is approximately 3 hours.


CPR courses held on first Saturday of the month.  9:00 AM to 12:30 PM and first aid 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM. (Minimum of 3 students for class to be held)



Click Here to Sign up




Fees for courses are:


Friends & Family (No Card) $15.00


Heart Saver or Health Care Provider (Card Issued) $50.00


Combined Heart Saver/Health Care Provider and First Aid $75.00



All classes are held at Station 37 Fire house

located at: 104 Market St., New Richmond, OH 45157                                                    


To register please click link above, or call



New Richmond Fire & EMS provides many off-site classes at locations throughout the Cincinnati area.  We can provide CPR and first aid training customized to meet the needs of your group or medical practice at competitive rates and at your site. For enrollment, pricing, or other information please contact Lt. Kurtis Boggs at 513-553-2117 or email

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